Hey guys,
Well, it's me again. We had a pretty good week. The work is going well. We are so close with some investigators! For an area that hasn't baptized in a while, we are getting close to some success. We have some good investigators, that need to get married, and some men and families. My goal is to have this area baptizing again, by then end of this transfer. We are having a training with all the members on Saturday about missionary work. Bishop, one of President Jaymes' counselors, and my comp and I will speak. We are going to try and make it fun and get the ward animated. We are getting close though.
We are teaching an ex-Adventist family that will get married in December. This week the wife (who actually knows the Bible pretty well, I've been impressed) asked us to tell her why we don't keep "Saturday" instead of "Sunday" as the Lord's Day. I quickly tried explaining it to her, but she wants so full detail and scripture evidence and all this stuff. But, I told her before I would fully explain about it, she had to read the Book of Mormon, honestly pray and ask the Lord if it's true, and when she gets the answer, we'll teach. It makes the teaching process a lot easier when someone knows the Book of Mormon is true. You can pretty much use it to back up anything or to explain any doctrine or doubts the person has. So, we'll see how it goes this week.
Yesterday, Elder C. Scott Grow of the 70 was here and spoke to the mission. It was really good. He talked a lot about obedience, not just on the mission but in all of our life. He talked about how to become personally converted. He then opened up the conference to questions and we spent a while talking about the apostles and their duties and relationship to the prophet and the Lord. It was really interesting and the Spirit was really strong during the meeting. I learned some new insights to the gospel. I really enjoy it when General Authorities come to the mission. It was also fun because I was able to see a bunch of old friends. Overall, it was a good day
This week I did a baptismal interview for someone in my district. It went well and the person passed the interview. It was hard because there's no bus from my area to where we had to go. We had to go the bus terminal and catch another bus. We left our house at 3:30, got to the interview late and 2 full hours later! After the interview, we ended up taking another 2 hour bus ride to my part of the city, which should only be like a 30 min bus ride tops. Oh gosh, I was dying. You also have to understand that buses here are like trains in China. It's pretty much a fight to get on, with plenty of pushing, cutting, elbows, you name it. It's like a brawl. Then you get on the bus, which has a great smell of BO. I always seem to end up next to the largest, crankiest, smelly old lady on the bus. I was ready to kill myself. I've been in mosh pits at concerts less crowded than that. And there is no personal space. I always feel like I need to repent or talk to President or something by the time I get off a bus, just from all the contact fighting to get off. I didn't work the entire day. But, it's the joys of leadership...
Today, we just got done playing soccer. In the rain. It was way fun. I'll send you guys some pics now that I got the camera. But, I hope you are doing well. Love and miss you!
-Elder Eric Stapley