Hey guys!
So, we have a baptism this week. The paperwork is filled out and the only thing left is the interview. Baptisms always make life better. Our couple for next month is really starting to warm up to me. You know that people like you when they start making you food. We taught the plan of salvation the other day, then they fed us a homemade cake and had bought us pop. Good stuff....I wonder if I'll still even be here for the wedding. Another one of our baptisms (a teenage girl) is having a few problems. Her family and friends are against the church and are telling her all sorts of stuff. I can tell she wants to follow the church and be baptized, but it's hard for her. The ward members (especially the yw leaders) are really helping out. I'm sure in no time she'll be baptized (if we can get her family to sign the baptismal form...) But the work is going well.
This has been a pretty fun week. The World Cup has started! I've been able to keep pretty good track of what's going on....The games are all over the place here. I've been able to watch parts of some of the games. I watched all the Brazil game, but after, we had to stay at home for one hour (mission rules). I gotta admit, I'm proud of the U.S. Our goal was a little lucky, but when I saw it (I was able to see part of that game) I stood up and started screaming goal as loud as I could. I even lost a little bit of my voice. Way to rock it USA. Tied with England. If the US wins it all, I'll be so happy....Germany did play well though....Brasil's game was kinda lousy. I wasn't exactly impressed. Hopefully they'll step it up in the future. They've got all the talent, just need to work a little harder. But times are good in Brasil. All the streets are lined with flags and the streets are all painted. It's a pretty impressive time to be here, actually. I love the world cup...
Today we played soccer with the zone. After that we watched the Spain vs. Switzerland game.
Yesterday, I had lunch at Alciones (one of our baptisms) and we were talking about temples. Their family has made a goal to go to the temple next year in Venezuela. But, yesterday she told me she just wants to do baptisms and get to know the temple a little more in Venezuela, but wants to get sealed here in Manaus. She told me she had been reading a book we left with her on temples and read that the first time they go through the temple they need to have an escort. Long before, I had mentioned my desire to come back to see the dedication of the Manaus temple. But Alcione said, "we think it would be so cool if you could be one of our escorts and see our sealing right after the dedication!" Mom, Dad...I might need to come back for the temple dedication. Just the chance to be able to see a family that I taught and baptized get sealed in the temple would be one of the coolest things ever. I felt really honored that they want me to see their sealing.... I might be coming back to Manaus the start of 2012.....
We also had a family night with Fernando and Alcione this week. We taught them what to do and how family nights have blessed our lives. We ended up watching "The Testaments" with them and they really liked it. Even teared up. It's fun to do family nights with converts and families on the mish, but every once and a while it does make me think of home....
Speaking of home....in one year I''ll be home!!! Due to my visa, I'll be back 2 weeks before I left. Maybe 3. So, it's official. I'm more than half of the way done!!! WHOO!!! It goes by so fast though. I honestly felt that it was yesterday that I was in the MTC. I'm excited about being half way done, but at the same time, it is kinda sad. Every time a plane passes by I point to it and say "just one more year..." estou chegando ja!
We did a service project on Saturday and I've got some blisters on my hands. It's getting hotter and hotter here all the time. But life is good. It's the World Cup! Hope all is well with you guys. Love you!
-Elder Eric C. Stapley
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