Hey guys,
Well, I'm getting there....21 more days 'til I'm home! And yes, I'm counting....But things are going well.. working really hard. And we're having some success...we marked a baptismal date for a man for my last weekend here and we are working with 3 potential weddings/baptisms. I don't think I'll be here for them, but I'm not going to leave the area with nobody for the next Elder that shows up.
I went to the center today and picked up a few things to bring home. Nothing really too exciting. I didn't play sports today for the first time in a few months, I'm missing it already. But, its been a good day.
We had zone conference this week. I bore my last testimony. I enjoyed the meeting, and felt the Spirit, it was good.

Remember when I first got here and the temple site was just a dirt pile?
I feel like I'm running outta material to share. We had a really spiritual lesson last night with a Sister who wants to get married and baptized, but her husband doesn't. I felt prompted to promise her that if she has faith and does the necessary things, that the Lord will prepare a way for her to be baptized. She's been going to church every week for months and reading, praying, all that. So, hopefully it goes well.
Anyway, I promise at least my last email will be long. Sorry these few weeks have been a little short. But, I'm doing well, staying alive and working really hard. So, love you guys and see you in 21 days!!
Welcome Brian back home for me too....
Love you!
-Elder Eric Stapley
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